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사 진 부품명 부품 번호 도 면(PDF)
Oil brush Ø20 mm G1/4i Brush with horsehair up to 80 °C 26.001.400
Oil brush 40 x 30 mm G1/4i thread on top Brush with horsehair up to 80 °C 26.001.410
Oil brush 40 x 30 mm G1/4i thread on top High temperature brush with PPS-bristles up to 180 °C 26.001.420
Oil brush 40 x 30 mm G1/4i thread on top High temperature brush with stainless steel bristles up to 350 °C 26.001.430
Oil brush 60 x 30 mm G1/4i thread on top Brush with horsehair up to 80 °C 26.001.411
Oil brush 60 x 30 mm G1/4i thread on top High temperature brush with PPS-bristles up to 180 °C 26.001.421
Oil brush 60 x 30 mm G1/4i thread on top High temperature brush with stainless steel bristles up to 350 °C 26.001.431
Oil brush 100 x 30 mm G1/4i thread on top Brush with horsehair up to 80 °C 26.001.412
Oil brush 100 x 30 mm G1/4i thread on top High temperature brush with PPS-bristles up to 180 °C 26.001.422
Oil brush 100 x 30 mm G1/4i thread on top High temperature brush with stainless steel bristles up to 350 °C 26.001.432
Oil brush 40 x 30 mm G1/4i lateral thread Brush with horsehair up to 80 °C 26.001.447
Oil brush 60 x 30 mm G1/4i lateral thread Brush with horsehair up to 80 °C 26.001.448